On 21 October 2023, we will join efforts worldwide to protect end-to-end encryption and defeat any proposals that try to undermine it.
This year, we face serious threats, some old, some new, and we must fight back. Here are some ways you can help.

Join the Encryption Summit
On 19 October 2023, participate in a pivotal movement shaping the future of online privacy and security.

Use the Social Toolkit
Highlight how encryption makes us powerful on your social channels. Use #GED2023 and #GlobalEncryptionDay hashtags.
Participate in an Event
Choose from over 60 events organized around the world and take a part.
Campaign for Encryption
Kickstart a local campaign to protect strong encryption with our ‘Campaign-In-A-Box’ toolkit.
Read Our Statement
See which organizations, companies, and associations from around the world support strong encryption.
Why End-to-end Encryption Is Essential
Strong encryption is a fundamental part of how we remain safe online and offline. It means people can communicate with another person safe in the knowledge no-one is listening in or tampering with their messages.
Despite this, governments around the world are ramping up their attacks on end-to-end encryption (E2EE). Governments view it as a hurdle for law enforcement agencies. But systematically weakening people’s digital safety is not the answer.
End-to-end encryption is the gold standard of security in a world where daily life is increasingly online. We need to push back against government efforts to undermine E2EE.
On Global Encryption Day, we need you to join our efforts to protect end-to-end encryption and defeat any proposals that undermine it. We’ve already shown how attempts to create backdoors in end-to-end encryption are untenable. Now we need to stop the other shortcuts that governments are suggesting.
Remember, encryption makes us powerful, and we are stronger together. Join us.
Tell Us Your Story
Share your story about how strong encryption kept you or others safe.
Become a Friend of the Coalition
Show your support to the Coalition’s mission.
Stories about People & Encryption
Learn more About people using encryption