Chad: Encryption Day /Célébration de la Journée mondiale du Chiffrement au Tchad

Amriguebé Women's High School ,N'DJAMENA,TCHAD, Chad, 21 October 2024, 08:00 to 10:00 UTC

Hosted by House of Africa

On October 21, 2024, the House of Africa, as a member of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) in Chad, will join other Internet defenders to celebrate World Encryption Day. We will unite in our efforts to protect end-to-end encryption and counter any proposals to weaken it. We have already shown how attempts to create backdoors in end-to-end encryption undermine security. Now, we must continue our work to protect encryption as the future for all.
As part of the 2024 World Encryption Day edition, the House of Africa will organize a conference-debate aimed at Chadian young girls from lycée Feminin de Amriguébé on the theme “Young Chadian Girls & e-reputation”. it aims to raise awareness among your female students about the issues of online security, the proper use of social networks, the fight against e-harassment and the importance of encryption in protecting their e-reputation.