Encryption Workshop for Human Rights Defenders

Civic Hive, Montgomery, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, Nigeria, 17 October 2024, 08:00 to 15:00 UTC


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Register Now for Human Rights Journalists Network Nigeria’s Global Encryption Day Workshop
Global Encryption Day is celebrated every year on October 21st to raise awareness about the importance of strong encryption in protecting our digital communications. In a world where online privacy is constantly under threat, end-to-end encryption (E2EE) serves as a vital safeguard for journalists, human rights defenders, and all internet users.

Our Mission:
The Human Rights Journalists Network Nigeria (HRJN) is committed to advancing the rights and safety of journalists and human rights activists. For Global Encryption Day 2024, we are joining a global coalition to advocate for the protection and strengthening of end-to-end encryption, ensuring that digital communications remain secure from unauthorized access and surveillance.

Event Details:
Date: October 17, 2024
Format: Hybrid (Virtual and In-person)
Theme: “Securing Digital Communications for Human Rights Defenders”

Join us for a full-day Encryption Workshop designed to equip journalists, activists, and advocates with the skills and tools necessary to secure their digital communications.

What to Expect at the Encryption Workshop for Human Rights Defenders:
1. Understanding Digital Security and Privacy
Participants will gain foundational knowledge on digital security and the principles of end-to-end encryption (E2EE), understanding how it safeguards communications and prevents unauthorized access.

2. Encryption and Press Freedom Panel Discussion
A panel of experts will discuss the critical role encryption plays in protecting journalistic sources and maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. Through real-world examples and case studies, we’ll explore how encryption can defend press freedom in hostile environments.

3. Legal and Ethical Considerations
Participants will be introduced to the legal frameworks governing encryption practices and the ethical considerations involved. Understanding these implications will better prepare attendees to advocate for strong encryption policies.

4. Practical Hands-on Sessions

VeraCrypt Container Creation: Learn how to install and use VeraCrypt, a popular encryption tool for securing data. This hands-on session will guide participants through the process of creating a VeraCrypt container to safeguard information.
Introduction to Cipher Texting and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Tools: Explore PGP and its applications in journalism. Participants will learn how to implement PGP tools to protect their communications and enhance digital security.
Website Security Techniques: Learn to secure a website by installing an SSL certificate and configuring a web application firewall (WAF) to protect against cyber threats.
5. Interactive Q&A and Feedback Session
The workshop will conclude with an open Q&A and feedback session, allowing participants to discuss their experiences, seek clarification, and provide insights for future events.

Who Should Attend?

Journalists, media professionals, and reporters
Human rights activists and advocates
Legal professionals
Cybersecurity experts
Academics and researchers
Representatives from civil society organizations
By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained a comprehensive understanding of digital security and encryption, along with practical skills to protect their digital communications. They will also be more informed about encryption’s legal and ethical considerations, empowering them to continue their advocacy and defend human rights without compromising their security.

Registration Deadline: October 5, 2024
Register now to secure your spot: https://forms.gle/DNNLZyv75cNbUbvD7