Events News

Global Encryption Day 2024 Statement

Strong encryption is a critical technology that helps keep people, their information, and communications private and secure. It underpins online trust, protects members of vulnerable communities, and safeguards the data of governments, businesses, and citizens from criminals and other malicious actors.

However, some governments and organizations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a dangerous precedent that compromises the security and privacy of billions of people around the world. Actions in one country that undermine encryption threaten us all.

On Global Encryption Day, we call on governments and the private sector to reject efforts to undermine encryption and instead pursue policies that enhance, strengthen, and promote use of strong encryption to protect people everywhere. We also support and encourage the efforts of companies to protect their customers by deploying strong encryption on their services and on their platforms.

Strong encryption is a critical tool toward a safer world for us all.



Advocacy for Principled Action in Government

Africa Media and Information Technology Initiative (AfriMITI)

African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms Coalition

African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX)

AllAI Consulting, LLC

Alianza por el Cifrado en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (AC-LAC)

American Civil Liberties Union

Americans for Prosperity


AP2SI – Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção da Segurança da Informação

Apple Inc.

ApTI – Asociatia pentru Tehnologie si Internet

Arenberg Crypto

Association for Progressive Communications – APC

Association for Proper Internet Governance

Baltic Internet Policy Initiative

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) 


Big Brother Watch


Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Center for Democracy and Technology


Centro de Autonomía Digital (CAD)

Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sobre Internet (CLISI)

Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East & Southern Africa (CIPESA)

Comisión para la Colaboración del Desarrollo de Internet en las IES

Committee to Protect Journalists, Digital Resilience Lab

Community NetHUBs Africa

Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN)
D3 – Defesa dos Direitos Digitais

Defending Rights & Dissent

Defend Digital Me

Derechos Digitales


Diamond Alternative Legal Services

Digispace Africa

Digital Empowerment Foundation

Digital Rights Watch

Digital Women Uganda


DNS Africa Media and Communications


eco – Association of the Internet Industry

E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa (EGIGFA)
Electric Coin Company
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Electronic Frontiers Australia, Inc

Encryption Advocates Council

Encryption Europe – for digital rights

Escola Profissional de Campanhã
ESOP – Associação de Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas

European Sex Workers Rights Alliance (ESWA)

Fight For the Future

Freedom House
Freedom of the Press Foundation

Free Ebook Foundation

Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)

Free Tech Institute

Foundation for Information Policy Research

Function X Foundation

Fundación Cibervoluntarios

Fundación Karisma

GIG – Global Innovation Gathering e.V.

Global Partners Digital

Global Voices Crypto Messenger for E-Mail & Chat

House of Africa

Human Rights Journalists Network


Ikigai Innovation Initiative

Indic Project

INFO-CARE – Consultoria, Lda.

Information for All

Innovation Solution Lab

Institute for Internet and the Just Society

Instituto Beta: Internet & Democracia – IBIDEM

Instituto de Referência em Internet e Sociedade – IRIS

Instituto Liberdade Digital

Instituto Nacional para el Desarrollo de la Ciberseguridad

INSM Network

International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group

International Press Institute (IPI)

Internet Australia

Internet Freedom Foundation

Internet Governance Project

Internet Society

Internet Society Belgium Chapter

Internet Society Botswana Chapter

Internet Society Brazil Chapter 

Internet Society Cameroon Chapter

Internet Society (Canada) Manitoba Chapter

Internet Society Catalonia Chapter

Internet Society Chad Chapter

Internet Society Colombia Chapter

Internet Society Congo Chapter

Internet Society Cote d’Ivoire Chapter

Internet Society Dominican Republic

Internet Society Ecuador Chapter

Internet Society El Salvador Chapter

Internet Society Ethiopian Chapter

Internet Society Ghana Chapter

Internet Society Guatemala Chapter

Internet Society Haiti Chapter

Internet Society Hong Kong Chapter

Internet Society India Chennai Chapter

Internet Society India Hyderabad Chapter

Internet Society Japan Chapter

Internet Society Kenya Chapter

Internet Society Kolkata Chapter

Internet Society Liberia Chapter

Internet Society Madagascar Chapter

Internet Society Mali Chapter 

Internet Society Namibia Chapter

Internet Society New York Chapter

Internet Society Nicaragua Chapter

Internet Society Nigeria Chapter

Internet Society Norway Chapter

Internet Society Palestine Chapter

Internet Society Philippines Chapter

Internet Society Portugal Chapter

Internet Society Puerto Rico Chapter

Internet Society Rwanda Chapter

Internet Society Senegal Chapter

Internet Society Singapore Chapter

Internet Society Somalia Chapter

Internet Society Sri Lanka Chapter

Internet Society Trinidad and Tobago Chapter

Internet Society UK England Chapter

Internet Society Uruguay Chapter

Internet Society Yemen Chapter

Internet Society Zimbabwe Chapter

Internet Users Forever society

Interpeer Project

Iuridicum Remedium (IuRe)

IPANDETEC Central America

Irish Council for Civil Liberties


Jokkolabs Banjul


Kijiji Yeetu

Law and Technology Research Institute of Recife – IP.rec


LGBT Technology Partnership

Lusófona University


MEGA The Privacy Company

Media Alliance

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Media Rights Agenda (MRA)





NetReach Foundation

New America’s Open Technology Institute

New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties

Nitrokey GmbH


NUTS Technologies

Nym Technologies

Oakland Privacy

ONG Acción Constitucional


Open Governance Network for Europe

Open Rights Group


Paradigm Initiative

PEN America
Pirate Party Switzerland – Piratenpartei Schweiz


Post Graduate Department of Computer Science & IT, DAV College Amritsar, Punjab


Privacy & Access Council of Canada

Privacy International

Prostasia Foundation

Proteus Technologies Limited

Public Knowledge

Pundi X Labs

Quantum Leap Development

Ranking Digital Rights

Reform Government Surveillance


Restore The Fourth

SeeZam S.A.

SecNet Cameroon


Stiftung Neue Verantwortung e. V.

Surfshark Ltd.

Swathanthra malayalam Computing

Tech for Good Asia

Tech Hive Advisory


The Dialogue

The Tor Project





Venchamax Company

V. I. Okonkwo & Company

WA People’s Privacy

Webfala Digital Skills for all Initiative

West Africa ICT Action Network

Women4Cyber Portugal

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform

Youth Forum for Social Justice

Zavod Državljan D / Citizen D