On 13 February 2025, 109 civil society organizations, companies, and cybersecurity experts, including Global Encryption Coalition members, published a joint letter to the British Home Secretary Yvette Cooper calling on the UK Home Office to rescind its demand that Apple create a backdoor into its end-to-end encrypted services.
The letter, published and sent to the Home Secretary initially on 13 February, remains open to sign-ons until 20 February. After 20 February, a final version of the letter with a complete list of signatures will be sent to the Home Secretary. Until 20 February, the list of signatories will be updated daily.
The final number of signatures is 239. (Final update on 24 February)
To The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP,
The undersigned civil society organizations, companies, and cybersecurity experts, including members of the Global Encryption Coalition1, call on the UK Home Office to rescind its demand that Apple create a backdoor into its end-to-end encrypted services. This demand jeopardizes the security and privacy of millions, undermines the UK tech sector, and sets a dangerous precedent for global cybersecurity.
Reports indicate that the UK Government has issued a technical capability notice (or TCN) to Apple under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 s.253 (IP Act). If all had gone according to plan, the UK government would have forced Apple to build a backdoor into its end-to-end encrypted cloud services. The world’s second-largest provider of mobile devices would be built on top of a systemic security flaw, putting all of its users’ security and privacy at risk, not just in the UK but globally.
The consensus among cybersecurity experts could not be clearer: there is no way to provide government access to end-to-end encrypted data without breaking end-to-end encryption, thus putting every user’s security and privacy at risk.
Strong encryption keeps information and communication confidential. In a digital society, encryption is critical to safeguarding citizens both online and off, to protecting the digital economy, and to ensuring national security. In late January, the UK’s National Audit Office released a report that the “cyber threat to the UK government is severe.”2 As Ciaran Martin, former Director and founder of the UK Government’s National Cybersecurity Center notes “E2EE [end-to-end encryption] must expand, legally unfettered, for the betterment of our digital homeland.”3 With cyberattacks becoming ever-more frequent and sophisticated4, the reliance of the UK government, citizens, and businesses on end-to-end encryption to keep themselves safe and secure has never been greater.
The UK Government has stressed the importance of digital technologies to the UK’s economic growth, but by forcing a company to secretly undermine the security of their product, the UK government risks foreign companies leaving the market and casting doubt on the security of products from UK tech companies. For some global companies, they may choose to leave the UK market rather than face the global reputational risks that breaking the security of their products would entail. UK companies will also suffer reputational damage, as foreign investors and consumers will consider whether their products are riddled with secret UK government-mandated security vulnerabilities.
International human rights bodies have recognised the importance of end-to-end encryption to protect the right to privacy and to promote the exercise of other rights. This is because being able to communicate safely and securely can be a precondition to being able to communicate and express one’s views. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recognises the importance of anonymity in “promoting the free flow of ideas and information in an important manner” including by protecting people from reprisals for their exercise of freedom of expression5. In February 2024, the ECtHR found that Russia’s order issued to Telegram requiring it to disclose “technical information” including encryption keys breached human rights law, as it was not proportionate6.
Undermining the confidentiality of cloud services would have the most harmful impact on those already at greatest risk: families, domestic violence survivors7, LGBTQ+ individuals8, and many more who rely on the safety and privacy provided by end-to-end encrypted services. For these and other at-risk groups, the confidentiality guaranteed by end-to-end encryption can be critical in preventing harassment and physical violence.
Similarly, encrypted communications protect the UK’s national security. Government services benefit from encryption and providing backdoors in one instance can lead to encryption being weakened across the ecosystem of the public sector, as well. For national security professionals and government employees, access to end-to-end encrypted services allows them to safeguard their personal life. Ensuring the security and privacy of government officials is vital for helping prevent extortion or coercion attempts, which could lead to greater national security damage.
To ensure the national and economic security of the United Kingdom, the Home Office must end its technical capability notice forcing Apple to break its end-to-end encryption.
- https://www.globalencryption.org/about/members/ ↩︎
- https://www.nao.org.uk/press-releases/cyber-threat-to-uk-government-is-severe-and-advancing-quickly-spending-watchdog-finds/ ↩︎
- https://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2021-11/End-to-end%20Encryption%20Ciaran%20Martin%20Blavatnik%20School.pdf ↩︎
- https://cyberscoop.com/salt-typhoon-us-government-jen-easterly-cisa/ ↩︎
- Delfi AS v Estonia [2015] EMLR 26, [147] and [149]: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{“itemid”:[“001-155105”]} ↩︎
- Podchasov v Russia [2024] ECHR 134 [79]: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng/#{%22itemid%22:[%22001-230854%22]} ↩︎
- https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/NNEDV_Survivor_FactSheet-EN.pdf ↩︎
- https://www.lgbttech.org/encryption-privacy-security ↩︎
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Individual Experts
Andrea Basso, University of Bristol
Professor Subhajit Basu, School of Law, University of Leeds
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University
Steven M. Bellovin, Columbia University
Professor Eerke Boiten, De Montfort University
Ian Brown, Visiting Professor, Fundaçao Getulio Vargas Direito
Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan & Arrcus Inc
Jon Callas, Indiana University
Duncan Campbell, University of Sussex
Sofía Celi, Brave
Michael J. Chapple, University of Notre Dame
Richard Clayton, University of Cambridge
Andrew Clement, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Shaanan Cohney, University of Melbourne
Ben Collier, University of Edinburgh
Rachel Coldicutt OBE
Deirdre Connolly
Alissa Cooper, Georgetown University
Alan Cox, Hon. Fellow Swansea University, Hon. Fellow University of Wales Trinity St David
Charles King Derr, Bard College at Simon’s Rock
Javier Ruiz Diaz, Associate, University of Sussex Centre for Law and Technology
Sven Dietrich, City University of New York
Orr Dunkelamn, University of Haifa
François Dupressoir, University of Bristol
Zakir Durumeric, Stanford University
Roya Ensafi, University of Michigan
Nicola Fabiano, Studio Legale Fabiano
Stephen Farrell, Trinity College Dublin
Joan Feigenbaum, Yale University
Dr. Richard F. Forno, UMBC Cybersecurity Institute
Simson L. Garfinkel, Association for Computing Machinery Technology Policy Committee
Harley Lorenz Geiger
John Gilmore, Cypherpunks
Ian Goldberg, University of Waterloo
Professor Oscar González, University of Managua
Geoffrey Goodell, University College London
Bill Goodwin, Journalist
Ian Grant, Telecommunications industry analyst
Wendy M. Grossman, Author, net.wars
Edina Harbinja, Aston University
Masayuki Hatta, Surugadai University
Guy Herbert, NO2ID
Dr Monica Horten, Iptegrity.com
Dr Julian Huppert, University of Cambridge
Dr. Dennis Jackson, Mozilla
David R. Jefferson
Sidney Karin
Mallory Knodel, NYU
Susan Landau, Tufts University
Carl Landwehr, University of Michigan
B LeClair, 5Rights
Gordon Lennox, TDRS
Jean Linis-Dinco
Dr. Kaspar Rosager Ludvigsen, Durham University
Anna Lysyanskaya, Brown University
Dr Angus M Marshall, n-gate Ltd. (digital evidence specialists)
Michelle L. Mazurek, University of Maryland
Derek McAuley, University of Nottingham
Eran Messeri
Eric Mill
Kevin Milner, Quantinuum
Kathleen Moriarty, SecurityBias
Saša Mrdović, University of Sarajevo
Alec Muffett, Security Researcher & Writer
Steven Murdoch, University College London
Peter Gabriel Neumann, SRI Computer Science Lab
Sunoo Park, New York University
Cristel Pelsser, UCLouvain
Colin Perkins, University of Glasgow and Internet Research Task Force
Riana Pfefferkorn, Stanford University
Jean-Jacques Quisquater, UCLouvain, Belgium
Rogério Reis, University of Porto
Ronald L. Rivest, Insitute Professor, MIT
Jan Schaumann, Security Architect
Sarah Scheffler, Carnegie Mellon University
Bruce Schneier, Harvard Kennedy School
Wendy Seltzer
Jonathan S. Shapiro, formerly: Co-Founder, Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute
Adam Shostack, author of Threat Modeling: Designing for Security
Kris Shrishak, ICCL – Enforce
Jessica Shurson, University of Sussex
Professor Peter Sommer, Birmingham City University
Eugene H. Spafford, Professor, Purdue University
Michael A. Specter, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr Daniel R. Thomas, University of Strathclyde
Carmela Troncoso, MPI-SP & EPFL
Prof. J.W. Verret, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School
David Wagner, University of California, Berkeley
Tarah Wheeler, US/UK Fulbright Scholar in Cybersecurity
Kenneth White, Cryptography Engineer
Paul Wouters, Security Area Director, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Daniel Zappala, Brigham Young University
Philip Zimmermann
Maximilian Zinkus, PhD, Cryptography Engineer, Johns Hopkins University
*Affiliations listed for identification purposes only