The second annual Global Encryption Day was held on October 21st under a simple message: “End-to-end encryption protects us all – that’s why we need to protect it.” This second edition, built upon the first edition’s successes and culminated in over 60 community events around the world, over 9,5 million interactions on social media, and […]
Tag: GED 2022
Encryption Today and Beyond
A panel discussion with special focus in what Encryption is today and how we can encourage it is as a communication tool to secure grassroots human rights defenders, activists and journalists. We will share how other people use encryption

to advocate encryption and raise the awareness of the community and the Government. to show how it is important to use encryption to discuss encryption in the context of the law enforcement

Cet événement est organisé en collaboration avec IPnet Institute of technology. Il s’agit d’un format hybride, via la plateforme zoom. Le thème de l’événement est : Le cryptage de bout en bout nous protège tous, c’est pourquoi nous devons le protéger.

On the occasion of Global Encryption Day 2022, the ISOC-Yemen Chapter is holding a three-days event on October 27- 31, 2022. The event includes a training workshop on “Cybersecurity and Encryption” for two consecutive days for the chapter’s members and others activists in encryption ,while the final day will be the closing event of the […]
Global Encryption Day – Sudan

Internet Society Sudan Chapter in collaboration with Telecommunication and Post Regulatory Authority (TPRA) and with SudanCERT is pleased to invite you to attend remotely the global encryption day that will be on 23rd October 2022, commencing at 11:00 A.M with the theme: “End-to-End Encryption, to Safe your Communication and Online DATA”
Global Encryption Day – Zambia

Your privacy matters, keeping people safe is important. Join in the conversation and learn how to keep yourself safe.

Le Chapitre CÔTE D’IVOIRE de l’ISOC est heureux de vous convier à la célébration de la Journée Mondiale du Cryptage, sous le thème “Cryptage de bout en bout”, ce vendredi 21 octobre 2022, au sein de la chambre de Commerce et l’industrie sous le coup de 08h30
Encryption for ALL

In Celebration of Global Encryption day, ISOC Sri Lanka is hosting a Webinar on the following topics. Date/Time: Oct 22 at 5 PM – 7 PM IST Venue: Online Zoom Theme: Encryption for ALL Speaker 1: Prof. Gihan Dias Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Topic: When should you not use encryption Speaker 2: […]
Global Encryption Day Statement
Strong encryption is a critical technology that helps keep people, their information, and communications private and secure. It underpins online trust, protects members of vulnerable communities, and safeguards the data of governments, businesses, and citizens from criminals and other malicious actors. However, some governments and organizations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a […]