Day of knowledge exchange and workshops with Blaise ARBOUET, Ingrid MOISE & Berwith FRANCOIS. The main objective is to better understand the subject and to encourage decision-makers to put in place mechanisms for implementing the proposals. The first part will be masterful with speakers who will share their understandings with the public and the second […]
Tag: GED 2022
Every day encryption safeguards the personal security of billions of people around the world and the national security of all countries. Strong encryption is a fundamental part of how we stay secure online and offline. This means that people can communicate with another person securely knowing that no one is listening or tampering with their […]
“#MakeTheSwitch” to End to End Encryption”
To commemorate the Global Encryption Day, Encrypt Uganda is planning to conduct a 2 days online campaign to highlight the issues concerning Encryption. The Campaign will educate people in Uganda and beyond about the value of encryption while encouraging users to use end-to-end encrypted services. It will also send a message to governments to abandon […]
Encryption as Life Style
Date: 22 Oct (Sat), 15:00 (Japan time) Online webinar Japanese language only, no interpretation Cryptography, as an essential mechanism for computer communications, is becoming increasingly popular in government and business. On the other hand, it is still common for ordinary users to leave the most routinely used emails and data stored on their computers unencrypted. […]
Everybody knows that when doing something as simple as sending an email, they are publicly sharing their personal data. Yet, most people don’t care. However, as long as every journalist, every judge, every CEO and every police officer uses email, we must make sure that this data is secured. Today securing data online has become […]
This event seeks to promote encryption tools to grassroots human rights defenders, journalists and activists and grassroots organizations as a potent tool for their information safety and security in the changing tides of the forth industrial revolution. Speakers will be grassroots experts and activists on information security, digital literacy, digital security and human rights defenders […]
The “Encryption, Policy and Fundamental Rights Seminar” is an event organized by the Law and Technology Research Institute of Recife (IP.rec), founder member of the Alliance for Encryption in Latin America and the Caribbean (AC-LAC) and member of the Global Encryption Coalition. The third edition of the event, this year’s session is being held on […]
Grassroots Literacy on Encryption for Civil Society Actors in Liberia, hosted by The West Africa ICT Action Network, will offer a 1 day training for selected students and also serve as a forum to speak on the topics of Encryption and also highlight the need for central government to act to protect and strengthen encryption […]
Encryption: What Is It?
Enhancing data protection and security among youth in Zambia remains key as scammers and communication interceptions increases. In this online session, hosted by the Internet Society Zambia Chapter, speakers will focus on promoting safety online. The goal is to equip attendees with tools for safety and reporting on security breaches.
Liberia’s critical information technology infrastructure depends on information networks to operate. Liberians rely on this infrastructure for interaction in society, including social, political, and civic actions to increase the likelihood that their voices be heard, adversarial actors such as hackers, terrorist groups, fishing phishing can cause potential injury to citizen’s businesses and potentially bring the […]