The third annual Global Encryption Day on 21 October 2023 was bigger than ever! Encryption defenders from around the world made their voices heard to promote and defend the use of strong encryption, discussing the challenges facing encryption today and sharing their vision for a future where encryption makes everyone stronger. Global Encryption Day 2023 […]
Tag: GED 2023
In commemoration of the Global Encryption Day on October 21, 2023, and as part of the October Cyber Security Month celebrations, the Internet Society Uganda Chapter seeks to conduct a capacity-building engagement with the Uganda Police Cyber Crime Unit on October 24, 2023, at the Uganda Police headquarters The purpose of the training is to […]
Cryptography in Daily Life

Cryptography in Daily Life Webinar Cryptography is an essential component of cybersecurity and data protection in our interconnected world. It provides the trust and privacy needed for individuals to engage in various digital activities while safeguarding their sensitive information from malicious actors.

In today’s interconnected world, digital communication and data exchange have become integral to every aspect of society, from personal conversations to critical business operations. The digital transformation sweeping across Uganda, and the world at large, brings immense opportunities and conveniences. In commemorating Global Encryption Day on October 21, 2023, and as part of the October […]
Event aimed at engineering students to present an introduction to the importance of privacy and anonymity Evento dirigido a estudiantes de ingenieria para presentar una introducción a la importancia de la privacidad y el anonimato
Workshop that allows the participant to explore the essential elements about Hardening of Mikrotik equipment Taller que le permite al participante explorar los elementos esenciales sobre Hardening de equipos Mikrotik
Students present results of the activities carried out on hacking and the relevant aspects are discussed. Alumnos presentan resultados de las actividades realizadas sobre hackeos y se discuten los aspectos relevantes.

is scheduled by Ministry of IT & Telecom, Government of Pakistan is going to held Nationwide Cybersecurity Hackathon, in addition to hands-on workshops in different cities of Pakistan including Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Sukkur and Multan. Ignite – National Technology Fund has been bearing the flag to sponsor this event for three(03) years. This competition is […]

Charla coloquio ONLINE el 20 de octubre de 2023, 13.00-14:00 horas Registro: Ponentes – Carmela Troncoso. Investigadora. Profesora en la Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausana – Sergio Salgado. Xnet Instituto para la Digitalización Democrática. – Jordi Domingo-Pascual. ISOC Catalunya. Profesor en la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). – Lorena Sánchez Chamorro. ISOC España. Investigadora. […]

Internet access has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and conduct business across the globe. Internet South Africa (ISA) is a chapter of the Internet society that is at the forefront of developing community networks, empowering communities and working towards bridging the digital divide. ISA is currently operating on a national wide basis with members […]