Exchange between Haitian professionals and actors around the actions of Haiti in the encryption and engagement of parties and civil society.
End-to-end encryption. Where are we?

Exchange between Haitian professionals and actors around the actions of Haiti in the encryption and engagement of parties and civil society.
𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑮𝑬𝒁 𝑽𝑶𝑺 𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑬𝑰𝑳𝑺 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑵𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑺 : Piratage, Communication Sécurisée, Mobile Money, Vie Privée, Réseau Sociaux, Données Personnelles, Sécurité Digitale, Prévention Numérique, Arnaques.
As encryption poses challenges for law enforcement agencies worldwide, this workshop explores three so-called “alternative” methods of investigating private encrypted communications (1. Instant Messages Traceability, 2. Client Side Scanning, and 3. Government Hacking), which promise to preserve encryption, human rights, and investigation efficiency. The Brazilian perspective will be explored, combining presentations, case studies, and group […]
In an increasingly digitalized world, the protection of privacy and digital data security has become a paramount concern. To address this pressing issue, we are proud to organize the event “Protecting Our Digital Future: Encrypt to Preserve.” The primary purpose of this event is to raise public awareness of the importance of encryption as a […]
Today in Tanzania there is a huge knowledge gap about Encryption among the members of the media fraternity. Therefore knowledge capacity building for journalists as members of the Fourth Estate is very critical. Journalists play a very important of educating the general public about a particular public issue of concern. That also applies to the […]
ISOC Chapter of Burkina Faso in partnership with ISOC Global and Global Encryption Coalition organizes activity on data encryption, on the occasion of Global Encryption Day. This activity, intended for journalists and communication specialists, will allow participants to acquire the necessary information on the encryption of their data and sensitization on cyber threats.
At the ICANN meeting in Hamburg, global chapter members will meet at a light social and exchange among other topics about their national encryption activities.
World Encryption Day in Côte d’Ivoire 2023 aims to raise awareness and promote the importance of data encryption in the digital world. The main objectives of the day are to raise awareness of the importance of encryption, promote its widespread use, educate about its benefits and challenges, foster collaboration between stakeholders, and mobilize governments and […]
Haremos un evento hibrido. Será Presencial con transmisión en vivo y abierta a través de YouTube. Dia: 18 de octubre 2023 Lugar: Hotel Terraza en San Salvador. Hora: De 8:30 am a 12:30 pm TEMA DEL EVENTO: “SENSIBILIZEMOS SOBRE LA IMPORTANCIA DEL CIFRADO EN NUESTRO PAIS” Se adjunta archivo con la imagen de la agenda […]